Monday, November 22, 2010

I love that I get to do things like this...

This was one of my favorite books in elementary school.  I ready it every year---at least once.  I had forgotten all about it until I saw it in Sophie's scholastic book order flier this month.  I ordered it (OF COURSE!) and couldn't wait to read it to her. 

Sophie and I regularly curled up in her bed or mine with a good chapter book and it wouldn't be rare for me to end up reading the whole thing.  She doesn't like stopping in the middle of a book any more than I do.  I love it that she loves me reading to her so most of the time, I was happy to oblige.  We sadly have not been able to do this since Oliver has joined the family.  I am too tired or Luke refuses to be quiet and stop interrupting.  I have been having quite a bit of mommy guilt over neglecting poor Sophie lately (squeaky wheel gets the grease, right?) 

Last night we were FINALLY able to curl up (Ollie in between us) and start the book.  I admit---I got too sleepy to finish last night, but we finished today and she loved it!  I loved it too and it was a great "teachable" moment and an opportunity to talk about God's love and forgiveness and most of all acceptance and compassion for those among us less fortunate.  I love hearing what goes on in that sweet girls head and she usually teaches me something as well with her wide-eyed innocence.

I am so glad I am blessed with the opportunity to be her mom.  I loved getting out this oldie but goody book and reading it to my child.  What an awesome feeling!


twondra said...

Awww, that's so sweet. I love that book, too!!

Ginny said...

Thanks for sharing your blog with me! I didn't realize you have a new baby. That is so sweet. I really miss the baby stage sometimes. Your blog is great. I will check back later. :)