Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Oliver King Mooney 9-01-10

He is here!  It took a birth to for me to update this thing-ha!   I would say I will get better, but let's not get crazy here...   Anyway here is how it all went "down." 

We had a c-section scheduled for Monday, September 13th.   I would have been 39 weeks and 3 days---please note, all three of my other c-sections were at 38 weeks, so to say I was just a little bit disappointed that we wouldn't be doing the section at 38 weeks was an understatement.  I had it in my head that he was going to come the week of September 6th and I had everything all planned out.  To all of you who have had vaginal deliveries and were never able to plan the day your baby was coming, I do understand how ridiculous my statement was, but it is all I know, so show me some grace please!  

I had my weekly doctor appointment on Wednesday, September 1 and the thought that I might not be coming back to my house without my baby surely did not cross my mind!  I mean, I would have laid out clothes for Sophie to wear to school each day and Luke also.  I would have bought and washed and dried everything we needed but didn't get yet for the baby!  Did I mention my drier broke the NIGHT BEFORE THE BABY CAME? 

At my appointment I mentioned to Dr. R ( LOVE HER) that I had been having contractions.  She could feel a contraction when she went to measure me, and again when she was checking my cervix.  Also, my blood pressure was high, but that alone I don't think would have been cause to send me to the hospital because it usually goes down while I am in the office.   There was also a trace amount of protein in my urine (sorry if it grosses you out that I said "urine").  Dr. R sent me straight to the hospital and told me do not eat anything just in case and that they would monitor me over there and check my cervix for change.   So, off I went, still not thinking it would amount to anything and more annoyed that I had to go to the hospital and mess up the "schedule" for the day. 

I got to the hospital and they hooked me up to the fetal monitors to check baby's heart rate and contractions.  By this time I had been getting more and more of them.  They were beginning to be a little painful, but I refused to admit that because I felt like since I had never been in labor before, anything that I have that seems painful is NOTHING compared to someone who has been through actual labor and a vaginal delivery.  The nurse looked at me funny and asked what my pain level was---I said 2 and she was surprised.  She said I was contracting every 2-8 minutes and some of them were pretty strong.  Dr. R ordered IV fluids because she thought I might just be dehydrated, so they started those and I ate a few ice chips.  I called Zac and told him to go on to class (he is in law school and missing class when you don't have to is really bad)  I just assumed the contractions would stop and I would be sent home because I do not go into labor! 

The nurse came in again and checked the strip and said she didn't like what she saw.  My contractions were not going away or even easing up.  She went to call the doctor and came back and said, "I am sorry my dear, but we are having the baby tonight"  Why she thought she needed to apologize to me for that information is beyond me!  I was miserable and tired of being pregnant, and at 37 weeks and 5 days (full term)  I was totally ready to meet this sweet baby!  I was a little freaked out because it wasn't planned but certainly was not upset that I was going to have the baby that night!   THEN I remembered that I told Zac to go to class and he was probably already there! 

I called Zac and he was pulling into the parking garage.  I told him he needed to turn around and get to the hospital, now!   He was stumbling around for his words and very surprised but also excited.  He turned around and was on his way.  I was really hoping there wasn't an accident on the freeway or something to keep him from getting there on time for the c-section---that would have been awful! 

I started making some phone calls, trying to send text messages to let people know we were having the baby and making arrangements for the kids.  My mom took the kids to gymnastics and she told me they were very wound up.  I can imagine trying to get them ready with them knowing their baby brother they have been waiting for so long for was coming that night! 

I signed consent forms and got prepped for surgery and things started becoming a little more real.  They moved me to labor and delivery (from the antepartum floor) and put me in the room I would be in until I was wheeled into surgery.   Dr. Rivero came and explained again why we had to do a c-section immediately.  With it being my 4th there was too much of a risk with me having any kind of regular contractions and she wasn't about to mess with that (another reason I love her, she is the most awesome doctor ever and I trust her with my life and my baby's life...can't say that enough!)  She checked me again just because she was curious, and in just a couple of hours, I went from 0-almost 3cm dilated and 100% effaced.  This is HUGE for me as I have never done either and always right up until the c-section remained "CLOSED AND THICK"   This just confirmed Dr. R's decision and we were ready to go.  The doctor helped wheel me into the OR and Zac appeared right before they wheeled me in---just in time to get on his scrubs! 

Once in the operating room, they did the spinal and strapped me down and did all that other great stuff they do when you have surgery.  I started freaking out a little bit.  I couldn't get images of the last time we were in that operating room at that hospital out of my head.  My heart rate skyrocketed and my blood pressure went crazy.  The anesthesiologist couldn't figure out what was going on, but I knew.  They had to keep giving me all kinds of drugs because one would work for a while and then I would feel panicky again and my heart rate would go way up and they would have to try something else.  I remember afterwards the anesthesiologist making a comment about how much they gave me and I am not asleep, but wide awake!  If she only knew!  Anyway, I got that familiar pressure tugging feeling that was really strong and told me they were taking the baby out.  I heard him cry (BEAUTIFUL SOUND) and that was the end of me!  Zac went to take pictures while they were weighing him. Here he is, fresh from the womb!

Here he is being weighed!

They got him all cleaned up and I was wheeled into recovery.  I kept shaking due to the affects of the anesthesia.  I really would have preferred the sleeping to the shaking.  That teeth chattering shaking feeling is not so fun, but is so worth it!   Here is a picture of Oliver right after the birth when he was cleaned up

I bet you are wondering, where is the picture of Mommy and baby?  HAHAHAHA.  Sorry to disappoint, but there will be none.  Zac took one when I was about to be wheeled in for surgery, but I took one look at it and was so disgusted, I immediately deleted it.  I was so swollen and puffy and had about 4 chins and even though it was the birth of my child, I just couldn't stand to have that picture or any other pictures haunt me for the rest of my life.  I wish I had such confidence that it didn't matter, but I am just not made that way!  Besides, he looks a whole lot better than me and that is who you REALLY want to see, right?

That about wraps it up for the birthday story.  I do need to mention how we picked his name, although if you are one of the 5 people reading this blog that has been so long neglected, you already know why we chose the name.  I feel like I need to put it on here for documentation purposes.  We chose the name Oliver to honor our sweet baby girl, Olivia, born in May, 2004 and died 14 hours after birth.  Olivia and Oliver are the same name, just male and female.  They both mean.....are you ready for this.... ELF ARMY!  Yay!  The biblical meaning of the name Oliver/Olivia is a little bit more what we had in mind.  It is based on the olive tree in the bible, and means peace.  He definitely has brought us peace. He is also named for my great grandmother, Ollie.  I hear she was a pretty cool gal.   The middle name, King, comes from "hatdaddy" King aka, Carl King.  One of my favorite people, ever.  So there you have it!

Wow, this was LONG!  I wonder how long it will take me to document the rest of the hospital stay?!  Ha!

p.s. I realize I have no blog design or background on this page.  that was a long and frustrating deal trying to fix and and nothing lined up right.  I finally gave up and don't want to deal with it right now.  Sorry for the plane Jane look!


Evelyn said...

Congrats again! He is lovely! Am just wondering why you had to have a c-section this time when you were obviously in labour? There must be something I'm missing. Don't get me wrong, please, there are people who need c-sections, I believe that. You don't have to answer this if you don't want to, and your still babymooning soo, I don't expect a reply very soon anyway.

All the best for the next coming weeks with your little Oliver!! xx

Lindsay said...

impressive.. you blogged with a newborn!! love it, and love that baby!!

Rachel said...

Evelyn, this was my fourth c-section. My first baby (Sophie) was breech and my doctor does not do vaginal delivery after a c-section as she feels there are too many risks. My second baby was the one we lost and knowing she wasn't going to make it, I wasn't even thinking about trying for a VBAC, the more c-sections you have the riskier labor would be, so at my fourth the risk was VERY high.

twondra said...

You always crack me up. I love the way you tell stories. :)

He's beautiful! Thanks for letting me know when you had him. We found out on the top of Stratsosphere in Las Vegas and it was beautiful! I'll never forget it. :)