Sunday, August 8, 2010


I don't have any cute pictures to post of my beautiful children.  I am getting closer to doing that though...finally uploaded all my pictures to shutterfly and now just need to edit them. 

However, I wanted to document the weirdest pregnancy craving I have ever had in my 5 pregnancies.  Are you ready for it?  

I have been craving toothpaste and soap!

If you are reading this and totally disgusted, you are normal.  I have no idea what brought this about, but for a few weeks now I have really wanted to eat my toothpaste.  Then I find myself thinking about it and when I brush my teeth, I really want to swallow the toothpaste (but of course, I don' know...because my self control is awesome....or maybe because I don't know what a tube of toothpaste would do to my poor innocent baby who has no control over what he is getting from his crazy mama)   I need to add that I have NEVER craved anything that isn't edible, which is the definition of the disorder, pica, pronounced PIE-KUH. 

And soap...ohhhh soap.   I find myself washing my hands a lot more and just smelling the soap and how clean it is.  I sometimes go into the bathroom at work and squirt soap out to see and smell all the bubbles.  I want to eat the soap.   Again, I haven't and nor will I actually do this, but the fact that I want to is a bit disturbing.   I was at my OB's office and there was a big thing of this green soap and it looked so clean and smelled so clean that I seriously wondered if anyone would know if I stuck the bottle in my purse.  They surely have tons more soap, right?  I am too much of a chicken and was afraid they would figure out it was me and wonder why I swiped the soap.   But it looked so good....   My favorite soap to look at and think of eating is the soap that I see doctors "scrub in" with.  I have been watching a lot of doctor/medical shows and more lately because I want to see them scrub in and look at the soap.

There is no need to alert the mental health authorities!  I assure you this is a pregnancy related thing and will go away and I promise to never eat your toothpaste or soap when I go to your house.

But....if it is missing....and I was there....

I wonder if this means this poor sweet baby I am carrying is going to have some OCD tendencies? 

I promise to udpate soon.  This week is my last at work and then I have 4 more weeks until the baby comes.  I am sure with my new lap top and all the sitting around I am doing because I don't want to leave the house because it is too hot and I don't like being sweaty, there will be time for blogging the missing time period of the new year to now!

Until then.....


Unknown said...

I have never heard of Pica. Some soap smells like food - vanilla, hazelnut, etc. But the kind that just smells soap-y doesn't seem good to eat at all! :-)

Saying prayers for your safe pregnancy!

twondra said...

LOL! You are such an odd cookie, girl. :) Love you to pieces!! Can't believe you're so close!! Amazing!!

Dad said...

I think you have gone over the edge!

The McCrays said...

You are too funny!!! :)

Unknown said...

Hi Rachel,

Your entry is hilarious. I found your blog through Google Alerts and wanted to see if I could help out a pregnant lady who uses Shutterfly. (unfortunately, no edible soap available.)

Please get in touch with me!