Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New Years Eve Mooney style...

We are such party animals around here.  We almost made it until midnight, but sleep is just too precious around here!  We had a family game night and this was interesting with Luke, as he still doesn't get the whole taking turns and someone wins and someone doesn't thing.   I just don't know where that child CAME FROM?!!!  Could it be ZAC???? 

Anyway, nothing says New Years like a game of twister!

And here is a funny video to start off the year:  Luke and Sophie were in a REALLY silly mood, so I caught the silly from them and just had them do random silly things.  It was hard to get them to bed that night!


Evelyn said...

Hahaha kids are so fun! Free entertainment! :D

twondra said...

Ha! Luke cracks me up! That was so funny! I have to show this to Mark. :)

Thanks for sharing! Oh, how we miss the kids!!

My Many Hats said...

SSOO-cute--you will be really glad you have this some day!

Stacey said...

Hey Rachel,

Thanks so much for your comment! I'm very interested in finding out more about your doctor. Please send me an email at Thanks for reading the blog!