Sunday, December 27, 2009


Here I sit, after Christmas writing about Halloween. Oh well, better late than never (this seems to be a continuing theme with this blog...) I am adamant about keeping up with the documentation and pictures. The problem with me not blogging as much is that all the *small moments* don't get blogged about. The cute moments, funny moments, things I want to remember. I NEED pencil in a time to blog at least once a week. I wonder if I can do that? Anyway here we go.... Halloween.

I am not a big Halloween fan. I refused to dress up for my mandatory work dress up Halloween party. I have always refused to participate in these things---mainly due to a fear of looking like an idiot than anything else. I don't mind the kids getting all dressed up and going trick-or-treating though. They have so much fun! We kind of have a tradition to do Halloween with the Surface family. It gets crazier every year as we add more kids, but I love it! Here are some pictures from this past Halloween

Isn't she a cutie-pie? Kara, that is :)
Luke and Kate riding in the wagon. I believe this started out as the wagon that Kara was riding in with Zac pulling (how he didn't scare her to death, I will never know) Luke got in, because he just got over one of his many strange illnesses (herpangina). Later, Kara wanted to be held and Kate insisted that she needed to be in the sick person wagon because *cough* *cough* she was sick!
Our two sweet winged girls. Kate is Tinkerbell. She is wearing Sophie's old costume with some PERFECT wings provided my her Mimi and Lindsay's old ballet shoes (I really applaud Lindsay's mom for being able to keep these kinds of things) Sophie is the "Monarch Butterfly" I say it like that, because you can't just call her a butterfly. I went through so much trouble to get that dadgum costume, she just might wear it next year too!

And we have Sophie and Noah. Noah is---spiderman I believe? Is it awful that I don't know and can't tell from the picture? I will learn these boy things----slowly but surely. Don't they look adorable together?

And we have this lovely Halloween family picture. Zac claimed to be Joe Dirt but he just looks dorky. I of course did not participate. I am dressed as a fat lady.

The butterfly and penguin together. Luke just looks so thrilled.

1 comment:

twondra said...

Very cute. Thanks for sharing!!